Top Headlines

Obama takes 3000 to India, spends $200 million a day Recession? What recession? Why not take a half billion dollar trip?

Lamar Smith to Obama: Get Ready investigations into Obama's lack of concern for border security, and pledges oversight. Remember how our government is supposed to have checks and balances? Yeah, that.

The invisible depression why we aren't seeing bread lines and Hoovervilles

Michelle Obama campaigns inside polling place in clear violation of the law. Has Sheila Jackson Lee been giving her pointers?

Dems to sic IRS on 501(c)3 organizations trying to shut them up before the election?

Greece to amputate instead of treat diseased feet because it's cheaper. How's that sociallized healthcare working out for ya?

Immigration Crisis speaker May 21

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Monday, June 21st:

7 p.m: King Street Patriots General Meeting featuring special guest Dr. Stephen Steinlight: "Losing America: What You Must Know and Do About the Immigration Crisis." Dr. Steinlight is a fantastic speaker. Bring your notepads and come ready to hear this critically important message, including specific ways to be part of the solution.

Please make plans to attend and bring your friends. 

Dr. Stephen Steinlight

King Street Patriots Office
9562 Hempstead, Houston, TX 77092

Dr. Steinlight is the Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) in Washington, D.C. To see the work CIS is doing, click here.


Muslim Mafia Author TONIGHT!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

King Street Patriots presents a special evening with Dave Gaubatz, author of Muslim Mafia, on Thursday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m. 

King Street Patriots Office
9562 Hempstead, Houston, TX 77092

Please make plans to attend this important event, invite your friends, and bring your questions.

Dave co-authored the book Muslim Mafia which lays out the whole truth about the thugs and Islamic supremacists of CAIR, detailing how it has obstructed anti-terror efforts under the rubric of cooperating with authorities, co-opted Congressmen with cash, enabled the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood operatives into high levels of government, and much more. It should be essential reading for every FBI agent and anti-terror analyst in the United States -- and the fact that it isn't only shows again how successful CAIR and its ilk have been in blunting the force of our defense against the global jihad.

King Street will have books for sale at this event.  Please plan to pick up a copy, we all need to read it.  

Please RSVP to, let us know you're coming - and bring your friends!


Victory Texas 2010 for the Republican Party

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Colleen Vera adds a note:

FYI: If you received this email from the Texas GOP, I just wanted to warn you that Susan Combs, the "Republican" in charge, is far from conservative. Years before Michelle Obama started her campaign to control our children's food intake to stop childhood obesity, Susan Combs used her position as Texas Ag Commissioner to place stringent controls on foods/beverages in Texas public schools. Just like Obama's is doing now, she attached her regulations to the use of federal money (free-and-reduced-lunch funds) to force schools to comply.  Susan Combs is the reason parents in Texas had to fight for years to get birthday cakesallowed back in schools. Just like all liberals, she believes it is her "duty" to force compliance because she knows what is best for Texas children, much more than their parents or teachers.
As state comptroller she has admitted giving tens of millions of our tax dollars to leftist "community organizing" groups.
So, you may want to think twice about jumping on this bandwagon.

Dear Fellow Republicans, 
I am pleased to announce the launch of Victory Texas 2010, a coordinated effort to work with all Republicans to unite our party and lead the GOP to victory from the Governor’s mansion to the statehouse to the courthouse.   
We are building and training a robust grassroots network of volunteers that will reach out to voters all over Texas and tell the success story of our great state under Republican leadership.  We will use the traditional methods of organized block walks, phone banks and tele-town halls to reach out to voters and we will utilize technology to reach voters through the exciting new world of social media. 
But we can’t do it without your help!  Today, I would like to ask you to help us get started by recruiting five friends to join our social media campaign.  You can follow us on twitter at @VictoryTexas and become a fan of VictoryTexas on Facebook.  You can also sign up to be a volunteer at
It is an exciting time to be a Republican in Texas. Republicans hold every statewide elected office in Texas and we have the majorities in both chambers of theLegislature. Our low taxes, business friendly policies and strong fiscal conservative leadership has made Texas the #1 state in the nation to do business. 
In fact, Texas is now home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state in the nation.  Our unemployment and foreclosure rates are significantly better than virtually every other state in the country and in 2008, Texas created more jobs than all other 49 states combined.  It’s no wonder that over 500,000 people move to Texas every year. 
For Texas to continue to lead the nation we must fight for our fiscal and social conservative values.  The Obama administration and the Democratic Congress’ failed economic policies are destroying our nation's economy and piling up a debt so large that our children are not guaranteed the same chance for success that we have today. We cannot stand by and let that happen to Texas.   
Please sign up today to volunteer for Texas Victory 2010 and encourage all of your friends and family to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.  We are the party of ideas and principles and we have proven time and time again that when we unite behind our candidates on Election Day, Republicans are unbeatable.  With your help, we’ll prove it again.
Thank you,

Susan Combs,
Chair, Texas Victory 2010


Government Contact Info


Rep. John Culberson

Sen. John Cornyn

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison


Rep. Dan Patrick

Constable Phil Camus, Precinct 5

Harris Country Website

Educate Yourself

Read these documents. Know what our country stands for.

United States Constitution

Texas State Constitution

Declaration of Independence

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