Sheila Jackons Lee Illegal Electioneering
Friday, October 29, 2010
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, the Democrat incumbent queen bee from the 18th District, was caught illegally electioneering at a polling place. While there is no audio, pollwatchers and sources say that after being confronted over electioneering violations she didn't leave immediately.
Then she pitched one of her trademark hissy fits, and called for Eric Holder to send some DOJ attorneys so they could monitor the pollwatchers. She specifically names her latest arch enemy, the King Street Patriots. The more the merrier - but does Sheila really want the DOJ in her house poking around?
This is exactly why True the Vote and pollwatchers are so important. King Street Patriots, by the way, has officially invited the Department of Justice to attend one of their pollwatcher training sessions and urges them to send someone out to check on things.
I personally know some of these poll watchers by the way. They are not Black Panthers dressed in militia garb holding sticks. They are retired school teachers and grandmothers who attend bible studies.
Seen a story, have a tip? Please email me!
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