Top Headlines

Obama takes 3000 to India, spends $200 million a day Recession? What recession? Why not take a half billion dollar trip?

Lamar Smith to Obama: Get Ready investigations into Obama's lack of concern for border security, and pledges oversight. Remember how our government is supposed to have checks and balances? Yeah, that.

The invisible depression why we aren't seeing bread lines and Hoovervilles

Michelle Obama campaigns inside polling place in clear violation of the law. Has Sheila Jackson Lee been giving her pointers?

Dems to sic IRS on 501(c)3 organizations trying to shut them up before the election?

Greece to amputate instead of treat diseased feet because it's cheaper. How's that sociallized healthcare working out for ya?

Early Voting Runoff Election Begins April 5

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday, April 5th: 

Start of Early Voting in Primary Runoffs

Click here for the Republican Party Sample Ballot (Harris County)
Click here for the Democratic Party Sample Ballot (Harris County)

Click here for a list of Early Voting locations

5:30 p.m: Deputy Voter Registrar class

King Street Patriots Office
9562 Hempstead, Houston, TX 77092

Please join us for a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar Training at King Street before the general meeting. In 90 short minutes you'll be fully authorized to register people to vote in Harris County - and WE NEED YOU!


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Government Contact Info


Rep. John Culberson

Sen. John Cornyn

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison


Rep. Dan Patrick

Constable Phil Camus, Precinct 5

Harris Country Website

Educate Yourself

Read these documents. Know what our country stands for.

United States Constitution

Texas State Constitution

Declaration of Independence

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