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Planned Parenthood Thanks TX Rep

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Planned Parenthood has publicly thanked Rep. Solomon Ortiz, who represents the 27th district of Texas, for helping Obamacare pass.

While many other Texas Democrats voted for the healthcare legislation, Rep. Ortiz is notable because he was one of the Stupak 11, so-called Pro-Life Democrats who were opposing the healthcare bill.  Federal funding for some abortions is a part of the legislation; in effect, Rep. Ortiz voted for federal funding of abortion.

Ortiz has requested $618 million in earmarks for the 2011 fiscal year.  It will be interesting to see if his YES vote pays off for his district.

Rep. Ortiz represents Brownsville and Corpus Christi, and he's been in office for 28 years. Tell him what Texans think of his YES vote.

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